Apples in the Tree is an adventure Flash game developed by MasterMerol and published on Newgrounds on September 10, 2010.
The premise of the game is to keep getting to the apple tree so that the player can pick its apples. When they do so, the first three times, there's a skippable cutscene and dream sequence, and then they wake up in your bed. The last time is an unskippable cutscene, and the end of the game.
The player has to get to the tree in 4 ways, and they must be done in order.
- Through the tunnel. You have to go the house to the left, where over there, you can find a tunnel. Go to the tunnel and walk to the left until you find the elevator, and take it up. You'll see an apple, so grab it.
- Through the cave. Next, you have to pass the house on the left, then keep on walking, and you'll eventually enter a cave. The fourth log is on a geyser, so wait for it to land and jump on, and it will rise you up. When at the top, you have to jump off to the right and continue along the path until you finally emerge at the tree. There's another apple, go grab it.
- Over the cliff. After that, you have to go to the house on the left and climb the ladder to get on the roof, then run off or jump to the left and climb the cliff. Proceed to the left along the cliff until you drop down at the tree. There's the third apple, so grab it.
- Catching a ride. In this last way, it is raining. You will have to go to the right and the cave there will be flooded with logs floating in it. Jump across the logs and you'll find yourself in a new area. Depending how you've interacted with people so far, there are two possibilities: either you'll encounter a guy hanging from a tree and you can save him, or he won't be there and when you try to go to the right you'll drop into a pit, and he'll save you. Either way, you will end up at the tree again. Grab the last apple, then the game is complete.