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Bubble Tanks 2 is the sequel to Bubble Tanks. Much like its predecessor, Bubble Tanks 2 is an open world top-down fighting game where you control a battle tank made of bubbles (hence the name Bubble Tank) and fight other Bubble Tanks to become stronger by collecting the bubbles they drop when defeated.


Key Control
p Pause the game, which brings up the map, options, and other things.
was d Movement.
Left Mouse Click​ Fire primary weapon.
space Fire secondary weapon.


There are 26 different types of tanks you can take control of in Bubble Tanks 2.

Name Image Description Tier Primary Secondary Speed
Basic Tank
Basic tank
This is your starting tank. #1 Basic Cannon None 1.0
Fighter #1
A small, fast, and agile tank with fast fire rate. #2 Machine Gun None 1.1
Balanced #1
A balance between speed and strength. #2 2 Shot Parallel None 1.0
Heavy #1
Slightly slower and less agile, but packs a bigger punch. #2 Heavy Cannon None 0.85
Fighter #2
Fighter 2
An even better version of the fighter, speed and agility are its trademarks. #3 3 Bullet Spread Shield 1.2
Balanced Fighter #1
A balanced tank slightly in favor of speed and agility. #3 3 Shot Parallel Shield 1.0
Balanced Heavy #1
A balanced tank slightly in favor of heavy weaponry, but lighter than the Heavy Tank. #3 3 Shot Parallel Mines 0.9
Heavy #2
A large and slow tank, but heavily armed. #3 5 Shot Parallel Mines 0.7
Sniper #1
A nimble fighter that fires single, powerful rounds. #4 Pierce Shot Teleport 1.2
Fighter #3
3rd generation fighter. Focus is on speed and agility. #4 Upgraded Machine Gun Seekers 1.2
Bal. Fighter #2
Balanced tank slightly in favor of speed and agility. #4 5 Bullet Spread Short Stun Burst 1
Bal. Heavy #2
A balanced tank slightly in favor of heavy weaponry, but lighter than the Heavy Tank. #4 5 Bullet Spread Area Burst 0.95
Heavy #3
Large and slow tank that boasts heavy weaponry and brute force. #4 2 Large Cannons Sticky Cannon 0.4
BFT #1
Bft 1
Very large and slow tank that seeks enemies to destroy. #4 1 B. Shot, 2 Sm. Auto Seekers 0.35
Sniper #2
A nimble fighter that fires single, powerful rounds. #5 Strong Pierce Upgraded Teleport 1.35
Fighter #4
A small and agile tank that can dish out rapid fire. #5 2 Shot MG Star Burst Cannon 1.3
Bal. Fighter #3
A medium sized tank that's fast yet powerful. #5 2 Sm., 1 B. Gun Seekers 1
Bal. Heavy #3
A balanced tank slightly in favor of heavy weaponry, but faster than the Heavy Tank. #5 2 Large Shell MG Area Burst Cannon 0.85
Heavy #4
Large and slow tank that boasts heavy weaponry and brute force. #5 2 B. Shot, 2 Sm. Auto Sticky Burst 0.4
BFT #2
Very large and slow tank that stuns and kills. #5 2 B. Shot, 3 Sm. Auto Large Stun Burst 0.35
Ghost Sniper
Very fast and agile tank that can come apart and reform at will. #6 Explosive Pierce Shot Disassemble 1.4
Super Fighter
A small and agile tank that can dish out rapid fire and seekers. #6 3 Shot MG Orbital Seekers 1.35
Leecher Tank
This tank sucks life from enemies and can infect them with virus bubbles. #6 Leeching Bullets Doomsday Infect 1.1
Drone Tank
This tank is the master of seeker drones. #6 Mitosis Seekers Drone Conversion 0.9
Super Heavy
A massive behemoth of a bubble tank. #6 2 B. S, 6 Sm. A, 1 BB Massive Cannon 0.3
BFT Carrier
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Giant tank that sends out swarms of fighters that follow your mouse. #6 1 B. S, 4 Sm. A, 1 BB Ally Swarm 0.3

Upgrade tree

BF2 Upgrade Tree

Enemy Tanks

This is in order based on the Arena selection.

Image Name Weapons and Other Information HP
BF2 Tiny Guy
Tiny Guy None 1
BF2 Little Guy
Little Guy None 2
BF2 Dead Head 3
Dead Head 3 None 4
BF2 Dead Head 4
Dead Head 4 None 4
BF2 Bubble Ball
Bubble Ball None; Spawns 10 Little Guys when hit 1
Life Carrier
Life Carrier none 5
BF2 B Fighter
B Fighter Basic Cannon 5
BF2 L Fighter
L Fighter Basic Cannon 6
S Fighter
S Fighter Basic Cannon 4
BF2 Swarm Fighter
Swarm Fighter Basic Cannon; Appears in large numbers 3
BF2 Wing Fighter
Wing Fighter Basic Cannon; increases in speed and loses Basic Cannon when hit enough 10
BF2 Twin
Twin 2 Basic Cannons; splits when hit 1 + 19 per twin
BF2 Heavy Fighter
Heavy Fighter Machine Gun 50
BF2 Orbital Seeker Fighter
Orbital Seeker Fighter 3-Spread, Orbital Seekers 40
BF2 Bubble Bomber
Bubble Bomber 2 Basic Cannons, Heavy Cannon 40
BF2 Big Gun
Big Gun Heavy Cannon 20
BF2 Beatle Tank
Beatle Tank 2 Basic Cannons; loses 1 Basic Cannon when hit enough 25
Tank Killer
Tank Killer 3-Parallel, Basic Cannon 100
BF2 Horned Tanker
Horned Tanker Machine gun, Basic Cannon 100
BF2 Big Beatle
Big Beatle Heavy Cannon, Basic Cannon; loses Basic Cannon and slows down when hit enough 125
BF2 Basic Sticky Gun Tank
Basic Sticky Gun Tank Sticky Gun 20
Sticky Machine Gun
Sticky/Machine Gun Machine gun, Sticky Gun; loses Machine Gun when hit enough 75
BF2 Mine Layer 1
Mine Layer 1 Mine Dropper; loses Mine Dropper when hit enough 20
Mine Layer 2
Mine Layer 2 Mine Dropper, Basic Cannon 20
BF2 Mine Layer 3
Mine Layer 3 6 Mine Droppers 20
BF2 Mine Wall Maker
Mine Wall Maker 4 Mine Droppers 25
BF2 Heavy Heavy Heavy 1
Heavy Heavy Heavy 1 5-Spread; loses 5-spread when hit enough 50
BF2 Heavy Heavy Heavy 2
Heavy Heavy Heavy 2 3-Parallel, 360 Spread, Enemy Spawner; loses Enemy Spawner when hit enough; spawns B Fighters 75
Heavy Heavy Heavy 3
Heavy Heavy Heavy 3 5-Spread 75
Heavy Heavy Heavy 4
Heavy Heavy Heavy 4 Sticky gun, 2 5-Parallel, 3 Sapper Drones
BF2 Heavy Killer
Heavy Killer 2 3-Spread, Machine Gun, Rotating Machine Gun
BF2 Seeker Tank
Seeker Tank Seekers 40
BF2 Leecher Drone Carrier 1
Leecher Drone Carrier 1 Leecher Drone
Sapper Fighter Machine Gun, Sapper Drone
BF2 Sapper w-Machine Gun
Sapper w/ Machine Gun 2 Sapper Drones, Machine Gun
BF2 Seeker Carrier
Seeker Carrier Seeker Carrier 14 + 1
Leech Guardian
Leech Guardian Machine Gun, Leecher Drone, Orbital seekers
BF2 Spawn Tank
Spawn Tank Enemy Spawner; spawns in B Fighters or S Fighters 120
BF2 Death Field Tank
Death Field Tank Basic Cannon, Death Field
BF2 Mini Death Field
Mini Death Field Death Field; appears in large numbers 20
360 Pulse
360 Pulse 360 Spread
360 Spiral Tank
360 Spiral Gun Rotating Machine Gun; does not move 55
Rotating Machine Gun
Rotating Machine Gun Rotating Machine Gun; does not move; rotation speed of the Rotating Machine Gun is slower than its normal speed
BF2 Chromatic Confusion
Chromatic Confusion None; changes color when hit 50
BF2 Tri-Guardian
Tri-Guardian Seeker Carrier, Orbital Seekers 120
BFT Heavy Cannon, Enemy Spawner, 2 Basic Guns, 2 Seekers; loses Basic Cannons when hit enough
BF2 Spawn Carrier
Spawn Carrier Enemy spawner, 2 3-Spread, 5 Seeker Carriers; sometimes appears in early bubblefields; loses 3-spreads when hit enough; spawns B Fighters
BF2 Destroyer
Destroyer 2 5-Spreads (The way it fires is like a 5-Parallel gun), Rotating Machine Gun, Enemy Spawner, 2 Sapper Drones; sometimes appears in early bubblefields; Enemy Spawner spawns Bubble Bombers
Boss 2 3-Parallels, 2 Sapper Drones, Rotating Machine Gun, Sticky Gun


  • There is no game saving.
  • When all tanks in a bubble are killed, the small bubbles rush to you.
  • When you become invincible, you can regain any bubbles you lost, and you will lose no more.
  • When you're invincible, you can still gain the BF Badge in Kongregate.
