Bush Shoot-Out is an action Flash game developed by Miniclip and published on December 18, 2007. In this game, the objective is to get Bush and Condoleezza get out of the White House alive from vicious intruders. This game is for players 14 or older.
There is a top bar showing the level indicator, the number of terrorists remaining, the player's score, their health, and ammunition. Once a level has been completed, the score is then calculated by subtracting damage points (made to the surroundings) and adding for the game bonus (selected before the game starts).
The green crosshair means that the player can shoot while the red crosshair means that the player is either hit or hiding behind an obstacle. By moving the crosshairs below the obstacle, the player can duck and keep from getting shot. Note that shooting an innocent person will automatically deduct points from the player's score.
This game has three levels in the following order:
- Oval Office
- Cross Hall
- The Escape
- Mouse controls movement and aiming.
- R = Reload