Doodle God is a casual puzzle game in which you play god by combining elements together to create new elements, which you then use to create even more elements. The goal is to discover all possible elements in the game. This game has 115 elements in total; you start the game with fire, water, earth, and air.== Links ==
The game can be found here:
Group Key[]
Group Name | Icon |
Aether | Yin-Yang |
Air | Cloud |
Animals | Cat |
Civilization | Pyramid |
Earth | Earth |
Fire | Flame |
Plants | White Flower |
Goods | Food |
Humans | Da Vinci's Human Sketch |
Mythical | Skull on Pink Background |
Primitive | Amoeba |
Technology | Tools |
Transportation | Car, Plain, & Train |
Water | Water |
1 | Earth | earth | Fire | fire | Fire | lava | "All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution." -- Henry Havelock Ellis |
2 | Air | air | Earth | earth | Air | dust | "Ashes to ashes / Dust to dust" -- Proverb |
3 | Air | air | Fire | fire | Aether | energy | "Wealth flows from energy and ideas." -- William Feather |
4 | Aether | energy | Air | air | Air | storm | "Every cloud engenders not a storm." -- William Shakespeare |
5 | Fire | fire | Air | dust | Air | ash | "Ashes to ashes / Dust to dust" -- Proverb |
6 | Fire | lava | Air | air | Earth | stone | "The scythe ran into a stone." -- Proverb |
7 | Fire | fire | Earth | stone | Earth | metal | "Bent metal is worse than bent wood and weight for weight is more flexible." -- Lawrence Hargrave |
8 | Water | water | Earth | stone | Earth | sand | "Genius has no taste for weaving sand." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson |
9 | Aether | energy | Earth | metal | Aether | electricity | "I've never seen electricity, that's why I don't pay for it." -- Steven Wright |
10 | Water | water | Air | air | Air | steam | "Mode of providing steam power to locomotives." -- Jon Ericcson |
11 | Earth | metal | Air | steam | Technology | boiler | "We boil at different degrees." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson |
12 | Fire | fire | Earth | sand | Earth | glass | "Commit a crime and the earth is made of glass." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson |
13 | Water | water | Earth | earth | Water | swamp | "The frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives." -- Proverb |
14 | Fire | fire | Water | water | Water | alcohol | "Reality is an illusion caused by lack of alcohol." -- Unknown |
15 | Water | swamp | Earth | sand | Earth | clay | "No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune." -- Plutarch |
16 | Water | swamp | Aether | energy | Aether | life | "Life is a bowl of cherries." -- Proverb |
17 | Water | alcohol | Water | water | Water | vodka | "Connecting people." -- Vodka |
18 | Water | water | Aether | life | Primitive | weeds | "Weeds Never Die." -- Proverb |
19 | Water | swamp | Aether | life | Primitive | bacteria | "Support bacteria; it is the only culture we have left." -- Bumper sticker |
20 | Water | swamp | Primitive | weeds | Primitive | moss | "A rolling stone gathers no moss." -- Proverb |
21 | Earth | earth | Primitive | moss | Plants | grass | "Grass don't grow on a busy street." -- Proverb |
22 | Water | swamp | Plants | grass | Plants | reed | "A man should endeavor to be as pliant as a reed, yet as hard as cedar-wood." -- Proverb |
23 | Water | water | Primitive | bacteria | Primitive | plankton | "You weak minded fool!" -- Plankton |
24 | Aether | life | Earth | sand | Aether | seeds | "The seeds of the day are best planted in the first hour." -- Proverb |
25 | Aether | life | Air | ash | Mythological | ghost | "Unhand me, gentlement, / By heaven, I'll make a ghost / of him that lets me." -- William Shakespeare |
26 | Aether | life | Earth | stone | Aether | egg | "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." -- Proverb |
27 | Aether | egg | Earth | earth | Animals | dinosaur | "Greek 'deinos' terrifying + 'sauros' lizard." -- Merriam-Webster |
28 | Animals | dinosaur | Fire | fire | Mythological | dragon | "I'd rather be eaten by a dragon." -- Famous Last Words |
29 | Air | air | Aether | egg | Animals | bird | "The shell must break before the bird can fly." -- Lord Alfred Tennyson |
30 | Water | swamp | Primitive | moss | Plants | fern | "Grow where you are planted." -- Proverb |
31 | Earth | clay | Aether | life | Mythological | golem | "Artificially created human supernaturally endowed with life." -- Definition |
32 | Mythological | golem | Aether | life | Humans | human | "If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?" -- Steven Wright |
33 | Humans | human | Fire | fire | Humans | corpse | "Live fast, die young, make a pretty corpse." -- Steven Wright |
34 | Humans | human | Humans | human | Aether | sex | "I know nothing about sex because I was always married." -- Zsa Zsa Gabor |
35 | Aether | life | Humans | corpse | Mythological | zombie | "Dishonor will not trouble me, once I am dead." -- Euripides |
36 | Mythological | zombie | Humans | corpse | Mythological | ghoul | "There are only two good men - one dead, the other unborn." -- Proverb |
37 | Humans | human | Aether | energy | Humans | wizard | "Magic users are WIMPS!" -- Famous Last Words |
38 | Humans | wizard | Aether | energy | Humans | demigod | "With God, all things are possible." -- Unknown |
39 | Aether | seeds | Earth | earth | Plants | tree | "When you see a palm tree, the palm tree has seen you." -- Proverb |
40 | Humans | human | Earth | metal | Technology | tools | "All the tools and engines on earth are only extensions of man's limbs and senses." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson |
41 | Earth | metal | Technology | tools | Technology | weapon | "Kindness is the noblest weapon to conquer with." -- Proverb |
42 | Technology | weapon | Humans | human | Humans | hunter | "There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in the human breast." -- Charles Dickens |
43 | Humans | hunter | Technology | weapon | Humans | warrior | "And the stern joy which warriors feel / In foemen worthy of their steel" -- Sir Walter Scott |
44 | Humans | warrior | Mythological | dragon | Humans | hero | "The world needs more Heroes." -- Unknown |
45 | Humans | warrior | Mythological | dragon | Aether | blood | "The world needs more Heroes." -- Unknown |
46 | Aether | blood | Humans | human | Mythological | vampire | "A fight to the death with a vampire has a few inherent problems..." -- Unknown |
47 | Fire | fire | Earth | clay | Civilization | bricks | "Am I talking to a brick wall." -- Proverb |
48 | Technology | tools | Plants | reed | Civilization | paper | "A book, tight shut, is but a block of paper." -- Proverb |
49 | Animals | bird | Humans | hunter | Goods | meat | "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness." -- The Bible |
50 | Animals | bird | Humans | hunter | Goods | feather | "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness." -- The Bible |
51 | Animals | bird | Humans | hunter | Aether | blood | "Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness." -- The Bible |
52 | Plants | tree | Technology | tools | Civilization | wood | "You are not wood, you are not stones, but men." -- William Shakespeare |
53 | Goods | feather | Civilization | paper | Civilization | book | "A man is himself - plus the book he reads." -- Proverb |
54 | Water | swamp | Primitive | bacteria | Primitive | worm | "If a man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on." -- Immanuel Kant |
55 | Water | swamp | Primitive | bacteria | Fire | sulfur | "If a man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on." -- Immanuel Kant |
56 | Plants | tree | Fire | fire | Air | ash | "I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes." -- Carl Sandburg |
57 | Plants | tree | Fire | fire | Air | ash | "I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes." -- Carl Sandburg |
58 | Plants | tree | Fire | fire | Fire | coal | "I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes." -- Carl Sandburg |
59 | Fire | coal | Technology | boiler | Technology | steam-engine | "Wisdom is the daughter of experience." -- Leonardo da Vinci |
60 | Humans | human | Water | alcohol | Humans | alcoholic | "An alcoholic is someone who you do not like who drinks as much as you do." -- Dylan Thomas |
61 | Earth | sand | Primitive | worm | Animals | snake | "When you see a snake, never mind where he came from." -- W. Gurney Benham |
62 | Animals | snake | Water | water | Animals | fish | "Only dead fish swim with the stream." -- Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge |
63 | Water | water | Fire | coal | Fire | oil | "We're bringing oil to American shores." -- bp |
64 | Animals | plankton | Primitive | fish | Animals | whale | "Throw out a herring to catch a whale." -- Proverb |
65 | Animals | snake | Technology | tools | Aether | poison | "I got food poisoning today. I don't know when I'll use it." -- Steven Wright |
66 | Aether | poison | Technology | weapon | Technology | poisoned weapon | "Smooth speech is its own poison." -- Proverb |
67 | Technology | poisoned weapon | Humans | human | Humans | assassin | "thou shalt not kill" -- The Bible |
68 | Civilization | wood | Technology | tools | Transportation | wheel | "Put your shoulder to the wheel." -- Aesop |
69 | Earth | earth | Technology | tools | Civilization | field | "Plow deep while sluggards sleep." -- Unknown |
70 | Civilization | field | Aether | seeds | Goods | wheat | "He that will have a cake out of wheat must tarry the grinding." -- William Shakespeare |
71 | Goods | wheat | Earth | stone | Goods | flour | "Peace goes into the making of a poem as flour goes into the making of bread." -- Pablo Neruda |
72 | Goods | flour | Water | water | Goods | dough | "Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven." -- Proverb |
73 | Goods | dough | Fire | fire | Goods | bread | "God gave teeth; He will give bread." -- Proverb |
74 | Goods | bread | Water | alcohol | Goods | beer | "Prohibition makes you want to cry in your beer, and denies you the beer to cry into." -- Don Marquis |
75 | Earth | sand | Aether | egg | Animals | turtle | "Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out." -- James B Conant |
76 | Water | swamp | Aether | egg | Animals | lizard | "I am going to get you so many lizards!" -- Fry |
77 | Civilization | wood | Transportation | wheel | Transportation | cart | "Don't put the cart before the horse." -- Proverb |
78 | Transportation | cart | Technology | steam-engine | Transportation | locomotive | "If God had meant for us to fly, He wouldn't have given us the railways." -- Unknown |
79 | Animals | bird | Fire | fire | Mythological | phoenix | "Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix." -- Christina Baldwin |
80 | Animals | lizard | Earth | earth | Animals | beast | "Man is a reasoning Animal." -- Lucius Annaeus Seneca |
81 | Animals | beast | Mythological | vampire | Mythological | werewolf | "Never moon a werewolf." -- Mike Binder |
82 | Primitive | worm | Earth | earth | Primitive | beetle | "Waiter, waiter! There's a beetle in my soup. / Sorry, sir, we're out of flies today." -- |
83 | Fire | fire | Plants | grass | Plants | tobacco | "Perfection is such a nuisance that I often regret having cured myself of using tobacco." -- Emile Zola |
84 | Primitive | beetle | Earth | sand | Primitive | scorpion | "It's not poisonous..." -- Famous Last Words |
85 | Plants | tobacco | Civilization | paper | Goods | cigarette | "It is now beyond any doubt that cigarettes are the biggest cause of statistics." -- Unknown |
86 | Civilization | wood | Water | water | Transportation | boat | "It's the man who waits for his ship to come in who's always missing the boat." -- Unknown |
87 | Transportation | cart | Animals | beast | Transportation | chariot | "A team effort is a lot of people doing what I say." -- Michael Winner |
88 | Humans | hunter | Animals | beast | Goods | meat | "God never sends th' mouth but he sendeth meat." -- Jon Heywood |
89 | Humans | hunter | Animals | beast | Goods | wool | "God never sends th' mouth but he sendeth meat." -- Jon Heywood |
90 | Humans | hunter | Animals | beast | Aether | blood | "God never sends th' mouth but he sendeth meat." -- Jon Heywood |
91 | Humans | human | Earth | clay | Civilization | ceramics | "I thought clay must feel happy in the good potter's hand." -- Janet Fitch |
92 | Humans | human | Earth | stone | Technology | hut | "Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house." -- Proverb |
93 | Earth | stone | Primitive | plankton | Primitive | shell | "One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach." -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh |
94 | Primitive | shell | Earth | stone | Earth | limestone | "...a rock that is formed chiefly by accumulation of organic remains." -- Merriam-Webster |
95 | Earth | limestone | Earth | clay | Civilization | cement | "Life is a cement trampoline." -- Howard Nordberg |
96 | Technology | tools | Goods | wool | Civilization | fabric | "God gives no linen, but flax to spin." -- Proverb |
97 | Humans | human | Animals | beast | Animals | domestic animal | "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." -- Mark Twain |
98 | Aether | life | Plants | tree | Mythological | treant | "Did you hear about the lazy treant? It just wooden work!" -- Unknown |
99 | Primitive | weeds | Earth | earth | Primitive | mushroom | "Keep your employees in the dark and occasionally throw shit at them." -- Mushroom Management |
100 | Water | water | Civilization | cement | Civilization | concrete | "Concrete is, essentially, the color of bad weather." -- William Hamilton |
101 | Civilization | concrete | Civilization | bricks | Technology | house | "Men make houses, women make homes." -- Unknown |
102 | Animals | fish | Animals | beast | Animals | dolphin | "It was the biggest fish I caught that got away." -- Eugene Field |
103 | Civilization | wood | Transportation | boat | Transportation | ship | "Mare's tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails." -- Proverb |
104 | Fire | oil | Transportation | cart | Transportation | car | "Modern man drives a mortgaged car over a bond-financed freeway on credit-card gas." -- Earl Wilson |
105 | Transportation | car | Air | air | Transportation | airplane | "Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo." -- Al Gore |
106 | Civilization | fabric | Humans | human | Civilization | clothes | "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society." -- Mark Twain |
107 | Air | air | Primitive | worm | Primitive | butterfly | "There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." -- Buckminster Fuller |
108 | Air | storm | Animals | bird | Mythological | thunderbird | "A spirit of thunder, lightning, and rain in the form of a huge bird." -- Indians |
109 | Earth | glass | Technology | house | Technology | skyscraper | "Men make houses, women make homes." -- Unknown |
110 | Animals | domestic animal | Plants | grass | Goods | milk | "All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow." -- Grant Wood |
111 | Animals | domestic animal | Plants | grass | Earth | fertilizer | "All the really good ideas I ever had came to me while I was milking a cow." -- Grant Wood |
112 | Earth | limestone | Earth | fertilizer | Fire | saltpetre | "Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry." -- Blacker |
113 | Fire | saltpetre | Fire | sulfur | Technology | gunpowder | "What gunpowder did for the war the printing press has done for the mind." -- Wendell Phillips |
114 | Technology | weapon | Technology | gunpowder | Technology | firearm | "An armed society is a polite society." -- Robert Anson Heinlein |
115 | Transportation | ship | Civilization | fabric | Transportation | frigate | "Every ship is a romantic object, except that we sail in." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson |
116 | Transportation | ship | Technology | steam-engine | Transportation | steamship | "Water floats a ship. Water sinks a ship." -- Proverb |