Hungry Gamers (also known as The Hunger Games: The Game) is a Flash game that was developed by Tom Fulp, JohnnyUtah and Oney and released on April 1, 2012, parodying the Hunger Games media franchise. As the release date implies, it is actually a troll game made as an April's Fools joke, as it is impossible to "win" the game and you will always get a game over after a few seconds of playing.
The game can be found here:
- Arrow Keys: Movement
- A: Use a weapon
- S: Interaction
- D: Use an item
In Hungry Gamers, you play as Katniss Everdeen, the main protagonist of the Hunger Games series, who is chosen to take part in the Hunger Games along with Peeta Mellark. At the start of the game, Katniss can be seen standing on a pedestal along with other tributes in the arena, waiting for a 10-second countdown to end before finally being able to move around. After a few seconds of the Games starting, a knife will launch towards you from offscreen and stab you, killing you instantly. No matter where you go, the knife is unavoidable and will inevitably lead to a game over each time you play. Additionally, if you try to step off the pedestal before the countdown is over, a hidden mine under it will trigger and explode, also killing you instantly. There are health, hunger and thirst bars, but they are never used whatsoever since you die within a few seconds after the Games begin.
After each game over, a try again screen featuring Katniss' head will appear which will give you "hints," but after enough deaths, these will eventually become messages mocking Katniss instead, before saying "APRIL FOOLZ SUCKA" after sufficient deaths.
Despite the game being a joke, there are actually a few things you can still do before dying to the knife, with medals associated with them that can be obtained:
- You can run straight down to obtain the orange bag, which will yield the Grab Bag medal.
- You can run upwards and to the left before interacting with Rue or Peeta in order to get the Alliance and Crowd Pleaser medals respectively.
- You can go behind the left tree on the top of where you started in order to defeat Glimmer, via making the knife cut the tree and causing what's probably a tracker jacker hive to fall down and kill her with the swarm that emerged from it, and obtain the Arrows Get medal.
- You can replay the game multiple times after each death, until you reach one game where during the countdown, the camera pans towards Cato getting dismembered and eaten by a wolf mutt, defeating him and earning you the To the Dogs medal.